Shelf life of Hello Panda Biscuit

We need to extend shelf life of hello panda chocolate paste filled biscuit
biscuit becomes soggy after few months
we checked the moisture control,
now issue is to stop the the break of chocolate fat which does to biscuit and makes that soft or soft
please suggest t

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Is it a water based or fat based filling…Whats the water activity of the whole unit and the individual base and filling?


I already said it is fat based chocolate filling

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I dont under if you’re using fat based fillling it shouldn’t be the one causing problems but your biscuits and storage conditions

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You need to check a lot of parameters.

Biscuits texture,

Filling fat amount,

Filling fat type,

Filling fat viscosity,

Packaging material,


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yes you need to consider all the above parameters , especially barrier properties of packaging material like WVTR/MVTR , and OTR with respect to different humidity conditions and temperature ( need to consider locations whare product is going to sale to know extreme lower and higher conditions ).
According to that you can modify packaging material to get better results.

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Thanks for suggestions, we are considering above points you suggested, but now focusing on chocolate quality
will cooling of biscuit after off line filling (after baking) help set chocolate?

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