Mayonnaise and sauces production

What do you think it’s the best mayonnaise

My question is how can i extend self life of mayonnaise (now 6 months out of fridge with sorbic acid, lemon juice and vinegar)- :+1:t3:
Ans- A combination of sorbic acid (500ppm) & Benzoic acid (500 ppm) will do best preservation along with EDTA at acidic pH of below 4.2
Just instead of using lemon juice you can try lactic acid just to avoid any possible contamination from lemon juice (as lemon juice is more prone to fermentation if not stored well)
Again EDTA quantity will be depend upon the amount of oil in the recipe viz high fat, low fat or medium fat mayonnaise.

and how can I produce sauces out of fridge? ( Now their self life is 3 months and they are refrigerator products with sodium benzoate and sorbic acid).:+1:t3:
Ans- Only addition of sorbic or benzoic acid is no guaranty for preservation. You have to look into total chemistry of sauces like pH, water activity, ingredients and processing parameters (such as heat processed or cold processed) and hygienic GMP conditions during sauces preparation.

Do you know an alternative for EDTA?
Edta alone is enough?:+1:t3:
Ans- EDTA delivers very good results and it is alone enough under acidic conditions

Pasteurization process has disadvantages?
Pasteurized and unpasteurized mayonnaise (with same recipe) has different taste. It is totally depends upon the taste preference. Personally i like pasteurized mayonnaise for its typical taste and consistency.

  • I prefer other culinary sauces with only pasteurization.

Any help would be really appreciated!
Thank you!

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Spinach extract has been shown to be a good chelating agent to replace EDTA.

Citric acid is more" clean label " friendly than ethylenediaminetetracetic acid (or EDTA) a known heavy metal chelator which is suitable under slightly acidic conditions such as in mayonnaise…Lemon juice contains Citric acid so it might help.?:thinking:

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