Note : Specified with location (United Kingdom participants)
Dear participant,
My name is Sankavi Sekar and I am currently studying at the University of Greenwich for my degree in MSc Food innovation with industrial practice. As part of my studies I am undertaking a research study entitled A survey on perception of substituting lupin instead of coffee.
I would like to invite you to take part in this research study. Before you decide to allow this, you need to understand why the research is being done and what it would involve for you. Please take time to read the following information carefully.
If anything you read is not clear or you would like more information, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Basically, coffee substitutes mimic the coffee flavor and taste without harming human health. In the case of lupin, it is caffeine free and it has the capability to mimic the coffee profile.
There are many grains used by locals to mimic coffee but never came close to coffee in taste…
Those so called coffee replacers are ersatz and was often chosen due to inaccessibility of the real coffee like during war time as what my ancestors did…or due to poverty in many places
They are make believe beverage made out of desperation in the absence of the affordability of the the real thing.
For me i dont see it as a worthwhile idea to be explored for a dissertation or advanced research as its so common place or enterprisingly relevant…
In many developed countries I saw limited potential for coffee substitute except those immigrants that were accustomed it in their own countries previously.