I’m trying to make shreaded halva ( which has hairy texture) but I’m getting a hard and chewy texture, can anyone help how to make it crispy.
Sugar/ water ratio is 75:25, boiling up to 150c
Tahini 35%
and I’m adding citric acid, not sure if it’s playing with boiled syrup texture !!
Well the product is available in the market and it is soft and crispy :), I’m trying to figure out is it cooking temperature or does glucose addition helps, what about additives that can be added and help the texture??
You may want to play around sugar:water ratio, brix, pH etc because that is exactly what is optimized for preparation of gummies. Give attention to the glucose syrup concentration that you are using. And with your issue of chewiness, all these could be worked to reduce that effect.
In Shredded halva you mix the caramel.with soapwort extract ( as an aerating agent ) to create those fine hairy texture. When beaten together with the syrup.
Caramel syrup alone can’t do that .
I remember…
There are articles in the web about it…try surfing " halva production "…for more details…