Fermented Shark
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Wow…such a wonderful video…Pretty long video, but quite a bit of detailed information. Many thanks.
- As he mentioned may be there are shark lovers and shark tasters , or may be people who havent attempted it. I am also wondering if there are any shark tasters here in FSTdesk grp, can explain why cured shark (ofcourse being a big fish it has to be cured to save the meat), but what if we cut raw, cook and consume - Is it safe to consume, because he suggested it as toxic?
- Or is it toxic when raw and cannot be consumed at all…or is it specific of this shark?
This video also makes me relate to another product ‘Bak Kwa’ - though this is more chunky, while Bak Kwa is more of a thin sliced meat. - Also interesting to know, which country have the huge demand for cured shark? is it Finland itself.
Amazing details, thanks again
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